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Strategic investments between France and Spain

From left to right: Raphaël Brenier and Christine de Briganti, Partners at Aurignac Finance, and Óscar Sánchez Melgosa, Managing Partner Corporate Finance at Norgestion

During Mergers Alliance's first half seminar in Miami, USA, the partners of Norgestion and Aurignac Finance gave an interview to the Spanish magazine Capital & Corporate, dedicated to the sector of M&A and private equity.

The close collaboration between Norgestion and Aurignac is in line with the economic cooperation between our two countries and allows companies from both sides of the frontier to build bridges to accelerate their development in these two major neighbouring markets.

Norgestion and Aurignac work together on many cross-border projects in various sectors such as food, distribution, business services, etc.

Extract of the article published by Capital & Corporate

“Relations between Spain and France, the main destination for our exports, have historically been highly productive, with a flow of M&A and investments quite stable over time. Proof of this is the great historical relevance in cross-border operations and investments. The forecasts remain positive in terms of reciprocal investments, as both countries have business projects with potential and convergent interests.”

153 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris, France

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