Since its buy-out by Capital Export and Béatrice Barokhel, the industrial connector manufacturer Proconect has expressed clear ambitions to become the head of a group that is a consolidating force in its market. The acquisition of Minilampe, designer and manufacturer of lighting solutions for over 70 years, is part of this strategy.
Based in Nantes (West of France), Proconect specializes in power connectors for the transport sector (railways, ports, airports, heavy goods vehicles) and the mining industry.The company generates nearly 70% of its turnover internationally. Based in Carcassonne, (South of France), Minilampe designs and markets custom lighting solutions for the aeronautics, defence, rail, industrial and marine sectors. The company has a long and rare historical know-how in the manufacture of incandescent lamps and has mastered their production to a high standard of quality. The new company, which employs around 50 people, will generate a turnover of almost €15 million for the current financial year.
The operation creates value-added for both companies thanks to significant industrial and commercial synergies. The two companies have complementary expertise for the same markets.